Dr Birgit Hollenbach
- Biochemistry, radiology
- Scientific writing and research
- Grant applications
- Scientific publications
- Congress reporting
- Reportage
- Translation

2020- Shareholder in KONTEXTGesundheit
Dr rerum medicarum, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany
Diploma in Biochemistry, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Germany
Studied Biochemistry, Free University Berlin
Sworn translator for English
Diploma in studies of intercultural communication, Humboldt University Berlin
Languages: English, Spanish
Laboratory Chemical Assistant, Apprenticeship, Schering AG (today: Bayer AG), Berlin, Germany
Ashtanga and Vinyasa yoga teacher. Co-founder of “Yogakollektiv Berlin”. Co-organiser of a solidary farming group. Biking! Love dining, the outdoors and the city.